As part of the Southern Campus Development project, the school will see the transformation of the existing PE Centre in to a state-of-the-art Sports Centre which will allow all boys to enjoy and participate in a variety of sports, whilst simultaneously enabling the most talented and driven boys to train and compete at the highest level. During the Easter holidays, Kier was appointed as the official contractor for the development and work has now begun.
Kier have advised us that they expect the development to take place in two main phases:
Phase 1 has now started. It will include the construction of a new Support Services Building, as well as temporary sports facilities on Kingsgate Park, which we expect to move in to after Leave-Out in early November 2019 and the rest of Phase 1 to be complete by May 2020.
Phase 2 will begin in December 2019. It will include the demolition of the existing PE Centre and the construction of the new Sports Centre. We expect to open its doors in early 2022.
Considerable thought has been given to the continuity of sporting provision for boys during the period of construction and the vast majority of sports will not be impacted. Other sports will be successfully supplemented by off-campus facilities. This project, which will bring to an ancient school the most modern and exciting of facilities, has been planned for over many years – it will give us a centre of sporting excellence we can all be proud of.
The Headmaster looks forward to joining with parents, pupils and staff to celebrate the start of the project in front of the PE Centre, at 12 noon on 15th June 2019, as part of Winchester Match.