What is involved?

Winchester College Schedule of Fees

Please find below details of payments required during the application process, the termly School Fee and Specified Charges which may be included on your child's School Account.

All costs below are inclusive of VAT.

1. School Fees

2024-2025 (Spring & Summer Term)
Boarding Fees per term: £19,014
Day Fees per term: £14,068

2025- 2026
Boarding Fees per term: £20,000
Day Fees per term: £14,800

Fees in advance scheme

Once an offer letter has been received, confirming your child's place at the school, a lump sum may be paid in advance of your child’s entry, covering up to five years of fees for the school, and providing a discount on the full fees. Contact the Finance Team for more information.

Financial support

Winchester offers an extensive programme of means-tested financial support. Financial support must be requested upon registration. It is only in exceptional cases of hardship, where a family has experienced significant and unexpected changes to their circumstances, that we will consider temporary financial support for a pupil who is already at the school.

We also award Scholarships and Exhibitions for those pupils with exceptional academic, musical or sporting talent. Scholarships and Exhibitions do not carry an automatic remission on school fees. However, free individual tuition is provided for sports scholars and musicians.

2. Fees payable during application process


The registration forms, and deadlines for applying, are set out on our admissions pages for 13+ and Sixth Form. A non-refundable fee of £480 is payable upon registration.

Acceptance of conditional offer

For those pupils joining us in Year 9, a fee of £2,000 is paid when you accept the conditional offer of a place by 1 July of Year 6. This fee will be credited to your Spring Term invoice in your child’s first year. It is, however, not refundable if you decline the place, having accepted and paid the fee.


A deposit is paid in Year 8 on acceptance of your child’s place. For UK citizens, the deposit is £4,000, and for non-UK citizens, the deposit is one term’s fee. The deposit will be refunded within three months of your child leaving the school, less any outstanding fees or extras if applicable.

Pupils requiring a student visa

For pupils starting at Winchester from September 2025 onwards, an annual charge of £1,440 will be payable for each pupil requiring Winchester College to support a Child Student Visa or Student Visa application.

This charge covers the additional costs to the school of supporting those pupils, including Visa applications, administration, monitoring and reporting requirements. The school must adhere to these compliance standards as set out by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) as a condition of its continued ability to support student visa applications.

3. Supplemental/Specified Charges

Please find below details of typical extra charges which may be included on your child's School Account. These details are not necessarily exhaustive but are intended to provide a best indication and external costs may increase outside our control during the year.

Laptop Charges

A laptop is required for all pupils. The school will provide this at point of joining and the cost of the device is currently spread across your first three bills.

Laptop charges for each entry year are communicated in the Summer preceding entry.

Exam charges

Charged to pupils based on the number and type of exams. If a pupil asks for an exam paper to be reviewed this will be charged at cost. Should the result improve the grade, the cost will be refunded.

Exam costs – variable as determined by the individual exam boards. Typically, each set of GCSE and A-Level entries will cost £500-£1,000. 

Music lessons

Charges are per term based on 10 lessons per term averaged over the year.

Lesson Costs per term (2024-2025):

£417.60 for 30 minutes per week
£550.80 for 40 minutes per week
£784.80 for 60 minutes per week


Private LAMDA lesson charges start at £30 for 30 minutes, termly costs can therefore be between £200 to £350. Group lessons are available at a reduced cost.

 LAMDA exam fees are set by LAMDA and vary depending on grade and examination type. These are charged at cost.


One-off starter kit charge, inclusive of boots (2024-2025 charge of £45). Replacement kit charged at cost as required.

Sports kit + Equipment

All pupils will be expected to wear school PE kit. Certain optional sports will require specific kit or equipment to take part (e.g. rowing, rackets and first team sports clothing).

Optional trips

e.g. language exchanges, sports camps, Duke of Edinburgh, enrichment, CCF camps

Trips are charged at cost. The cost of each trip depends on the purpose and destination.

Non-refundable deposits are required to secure a place on each trip.

Withdrawals: School trips are billed in full in advance. If you have made stage payments prior to withdrawing, these funds will also be non-refundable to the extent costs have been committed and we are unable to source a replacement student.

Books & Stationery

We do not charge pupils for books or stationery required as part of the curriculum.

Books ordered for extra-curricular, Div or optional activities will be charged at cost. Charges may be incurred for lost or damaged books.