Whether they are teaching algorithms or catering for 60 pupils three times a day, seven days a week, the people who keep the school running both educationally and logistically work tirelessly to keep the pupils inspired and cared for.
Deputy Director of Studies
Dean, Academic Strategy
Head of Chapel Music and Choral Partnerships
Geography don and Assistant Housemaster
Surmaster Pastoral
Director of Development
Head Librarian
Director of Music
Second Master
Matron, Kingsgate House
Matron, Moberly’s
Senior Chaplain and Dean of Chapel
Master in College
Head of Educational Partnerships
Director of Sport
Matron, College
Assistant Director of Chapel Music
Matron, Morshead's
Housemaster, Turner's
Housemaster, Moberly's
Classics and Div Don
Director of IT
College Archivist
Head Gardener
Surmaster Academic
Lead Nurse, Medical Centre
Director of Community Service and Geography Don
Fellows’ Librarian and Keeper of Collections
Head of Design & Technology and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead