An annual publication focused on providing an insight into life at Winchester College, as well as reviewing progress of fundraising for the school. It is produced by the Winchester College Society.
The college’s pupil-led academic journal that showcases student scholarship in a variety of different fields.
It provides a platform where ideas and academic discoveries outside the curriculum are shared and discussed.
You can read the first issues below.
The principal school magazine and official record of events. First published in October 1866, The Wykehamist is edited by twelve pupils under the supervision of a don and is published each term. It provides pupils with an opportunity to learn and develop skills in journalism, feature writing, photography and design.
A pupil-led newsletter which is overseen by a don and is produced regularly throughout the academic year. Much of the material relates to school matters but it also has a strong awareness of contemporary issues - national and international - and at times a biting and provocative tone.
A bi-annnual publication, Spirit Lamp is written and edited entirely by pupils, overseen by a don. The publication provides readers with many examples of pupils’ contemporary writing and poetry.
The original Spirit Lamp came to prominence when its editor, Sandy Wason, sold it to a Magdalen undergraduate and Old Wykehamist, Lord Alfred Douglas late in 1892. Bosie, as he was known to his friends, already had publishing experience behind him: at Winchester he had co-founded and edited a magazine called The Pentagram. From December 1892 to June 1893, he published poetry and prose in five issues of the Spirit Lamp, which bore the new subtitle 'An Aesthetic, Literary and Critical Magazine'.
A publication primarily written by the Winchester College Society for alumni, known as ‘Old Wykehamists’. The Trusty Servant is published twice a year and is designed to inform and entertain. It includes articles by current and past members of the school community alike.
Previous editions can be found here.
The College also produces a number of other publications, written by a variety of contributors including our Headmaster, dons and other individuals who are experts in their respective fields.
Here, former Headmaster Dr Timothy Hands explores the history of the War Cloister and its inscriptions commemorating pupils who fought and died in the First World War.
Christopher Pelling, Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford between 2003 and 2015, explores the history of this post, and examines some of the many scholars who have held it, including four Wykehamists.
Military History expert Michael Wallis offers a detailed exploration of the architecture of War Cloister, analysing its most notable features, and ending with a reflection on its legacy today.
An adaptation of a talk given by former Headmaster, Dr Timothy Hands, comemorating Keats' residence in Winchest in 1819. The talk was part of the city's contributions to the 2019 National Heritage Open Days.