Subject Seminars Provide Exam Insight

6th February 2020

Last year Winchester made a number of changes to its Admissions process and hosted a Prep School Heads Day in February 2019 to explain these in detail to all the prep schools that send boys to Winchester. A subsequent Director of Studies Day in October highlighted the academic changes that will take place in our curriculum and exams from September 2021.

Subject Seminars

Following very positive feedback about both days, the school is now hosting a series of individual Subject Seminars for subject specialists from these prep schools to join us for a morning at Winchester to learn more about the changes to their particular subject.

These semimars offer visiting Heads of Department the opportunity to observe a lesson in their subject, to take part in a lesson of Div, and to network with colleagues over lunch.

Seminar Dates

Monday 20 January: Maths
Thursday 6 February: Geography
Wednesday 26 February: Classics
Friday 28 February: Science
Monday 2 March: History
Wednesday 11 March: English
Friday 20 March: MFL

All schools interested in sending pupils to Winchester are welcome to attend. For more information and to book a place, please contact Andy Shedden, Registrar.

“I found it extremely useful and certainly feel like I have a much better idea of the ethos of the school. Everyone was incredibly friendly and helpful.”

“I very much enjoyed the morning, especially hearing the plans for the Election and Entrance exams. It all makes a lot of sense. I enjoyed the lesson observation and hugely entertaining Div lesson! It was great to be able to mix with other teachers.”