In early February, Eve Cavey, our Duncan Louis Stewart Fellow of Natural History, coordinated hundreds of volunteers to plant 480 trees. Children from some of our partner schools, including Stanmore Primary School and Henry Beaufort Secondary School, joined our own staff and pupils, to prepare the ground, plant and stake the trees.
The project aims to extend our woodland habitats, but also enhance our meadow spaces by creating healthy hedgerows that will act as foraging corridors for wildlife. We were particularly lucky to receive several disease-resistant elms trees, as well as some specimen wild service trees, to plant this year.
This planting project was part of The Queen's Green Canopy, and Trees for Downs, partly funded by Southern Co-op and run by the South Downs National Park Authority. The week’s activities tied in with Arbor Day UK which aims to celebrate the season of planting trees, by encouraging communities to take ownership of improving green spaces, and support a healthy start to our trees' lives.
This was the last phase of the school's own Elizabeth Project: Winchester College's first carbon offset and tree-planting program, and part of a much wider range of sustainability measures at the school and in our local community.